Functions for `Random Split` and `Scaffold Split`
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generate_scaffold(smi:str, include_chirality:bool=False)

Compute the Bemis-Murcko scaffold for a SMILES string.

  • parameters:
    • mol: A SMILES string.
    • include_chirality: Whether to include chirality.
  • return: the SMILES of the scaffold


scaffold_to_smiles(data, use_indices:bool=False)

Computes scaffold for each smiles string and returns a mapping from scaffolds to sets of smiles.

  • parameters:
    • mols: A list of SMILES strings.
    • use_indices: Whether to map to the smiles' index in all_smiles rather than mapping to the smiles string itself. This is necessary if there are duplicate smiles.
  • return: A dictionary mapping each unique scaffold to all smiles (or smiles indices) which have that scaffold.


scaffold_split(data, sizes:Tuple[float, float, float]=(0.8, 0.1, 0.1), balanced:bool=True, seed:int=0)

Split a dataset by scaffold so that no molecules sharing a scaffold are in the same split.

  • parameters:
    • data: A list of smiles.
    • sizes: A length-3 tuple with the proportions of data in the train, validation, and test sets.
    • balanced: Try to balance sizes of scaffolds in each set, rather than just putting smallest in test set.
    • seed: Seed for reproducitility.
  • return: two tuples
    • (1) containing the train, validation, and test splits of the data (SMILES)
    • (2) containing the train, validation, and test splits of the index.


random_split(smi_list, sizes:Tuple[float, float, float]=(0.8, 0.1, 0.1), seed:int=0, shuffle:bool=True)

Split a dataset randomly.

  • parameters
    • data: A list of smiles.
    • sizes: A length-3 tuple with the proportions of data in the train, validation, and test sets.
    • seed: Seed for reproducitility.
  • return: two tuples
    • (1) containing the train, validation, and test splits of the data (SMILES)
    • (2) containing the train, validation, and test splits of the index.


generate_folds(df, split_type:str='random', num_folds:int=1, sizes:Tuple[float, float, float]=(0.8, 0.1, 0.1), seed:int=0)

Split a dataset and add the result as a column: 0 is train, 1 is valid and 2 is test.

  • parameters:
    • data: a pandas dataframe
    • split_type: Choose from ['random','scaffold']. By default, the data will be splited randomly.
    • num_folds: the number of times to split the dataset.
    • sizes: A length-3 tuple with the proportions of data in the train, validation, and test sets.
    • seed: Seed for reproducitility.

Example 1: Generating Scaffolds from SMILES

smiles = ['O=C(O)c1ccc(C[S](=O)=O)cc1',
scaffolds = []
for smi in smiles:
import pandas as pd
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole
from rdkit.Chem import PandasTools

data = pd.DataFrame({'smiles': smiles, 'scaffold': scaffolds})
PandasTools.AddMoleculeColumnToFrame(data, smilesCol='smiles', molCol='Mol (SMILES)')
PandasTools.AddMoleculeColumnToFrame(data, smilesCol='scaffold', molCol='Mol (Scaffold)')
Mol (SMILES) Mol (Scaffold)
0 Mol Mol
1 Mol Mol
2 Mol Mol
3 Mol Mol
4 Mol Mol
5 Mol Mol
6 Mol Mol
7 Mol Mol
8 Mol Mol
9 Mol Mol
10 Mol Mol

Example 2: Collecting scaffolds from a list of SMILES

lipo_data = pd.read_csv('../clean_data/Lipophilicity.csv')
(4200, 2)
smiles exp
0 Cn1c(CN2CCN(c3ccc(Cl)cc3)CC2)nc2ccccc21 3.54
scaffolds = scaffold_to_smiles(lipo_data.smiles, use_indices=True)
counts = 0
for i in scaffolds.keys():
    if len(scaffolds[i]) ==1:
        counts +=1
print(f'There are {counts} ({counts/len(scaffolds):.2f} of the original data) scafoolds appearing only once.')
There are 1857 (0.77 of the original data) scafoolds appearing only once.
max_counts = 0
for i in scaffolds.keys():
    if len(scaffolds[i]) >= max_counts:
        max_counts = len(scaffolds[i])
        scaffold_max = i
print(f'The scaffold {scaffold_max} appears {max_counts} times, which is the most.')
The scaffold c1ccccc1 appears 76 times, which is the most.

Example 3: Scaffold Split

splits, splits_index = scaffold_split(lipo_data.smiles, balanced=True, seed = 0)
Total scaffolds = 2,408 | train scaffolds = 1,915 | val scaffolds = 248 | test scaffolds = 245
train, val, test = splits
print(len(train), len(val), len(test))
3360 420 420

Example 4: Random Split

splits, splits_index = random_split(lipo_data.smiles, seed = 0)
train, val, test = splits
print(len(train), len(val), len(test))
3360 420 420

Example 5: Add multiple splits to a dataset.

lipo_splits = generate_folds(lipo_data, 'random', num_folds=10)
smiles exp random-fold-0 random-fold-1 random-fold-2 random-fold-3 random-fold-4 random-fold-5 random-fold-6 random-fold-7 random-fold-8 random-fold-9
0 Cn1c(CN2CCN(c3ccc(Cl)cc3)CC2)nc2ccccc21 3.54 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0

We can further add scaffold split to the dataset.

lipo_splits = generate_folds(lipo_splits, 'scaffold', num_folds=10)
Total scaffolds = 2,408 | train scaffolds = 1,951 | val scaffolds = 211 | test scaffolds = 246
Total scaffolds = 2,408 | train scaffolds = 1,947 | val scaffolds = 260 | test scaffolds = 201
Total scaffolds = 2,408 | train scaffolds = 1,887 | val scaffolds = 235 | test scaffolds = 286
Total scaffolds = 2,408 | train scaffolds = 1,984 | val scaffolds = 191 | test scaffolds = 233
Total scaffolds = 2,408 | train scaffolds = 1,906 | val scaffolds = 234 | test scaffolds = 268
Total scaffolds = 2,408 | train scaffolds = 2,041 | val scaffolds = 183 | test scaffolds = 184
Total scaffolds = 2,408 | train scaffolds = 1,894 | val scaffolds = 263 | test scaffolds = 251
Total scaffolds = 2,408 | train scaffolds = 1,907 | val scaffolds = 247 | test scaffolds = 254
Total scaffolds = 2,408 | train scaffolds = 1,917 | val scaffolds = 249 | test scaffolds = 242
Total scaffolds = 2,408 | train scaffolds = 1,905 | val scaffolds = 247 | test scaffolds = 256
smiles exp random-fold-0 random-fold-1 random-fold-2 random-fold-3 random-fold-4 random-fold-5 random-fold-6 random-fold-7 ... scaffold-fold-0 scaffold-fold-1 scaffold-fold-2 scaffold-fold-3 scaffold-fold-4 scaffold-fold-5 scaffold-fold-6 scaffold-fold-7 scaffold-fold-8 scaffold-fold-9
0 Cn1c(CN2CCN(c3ccc(Cl)cc3)CC2)nc2ccccc21 3.54 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0

1 rows × 22 columns